Discours d'Etzer Vilaire à la mémoire des héros de l'Indépendance, de Charlemagne Péralte... 

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Bouquets of Congratulations to Maryse Arty Desrouleaux

Good afternoon !
Dear guests,

It is a great pleasure to be here to speak about a person, a great woman, who has marked my life as well as others…

Before approaching the topic of the day, let me thank you all for being here in such numbers to brighten this evening with your presence.

First of all, I would like to thank Yasmine, Maryse's daughter, who asked me to play a role for a dear friend, to increase the surprise effect of this celebration. I did not hesitate for a moment and I gladly agree to make the trip to share with family and friends about Maryse Arty Desrouleaux, one of the greatest friends that I’ve worked with for over 14 years in my professional career. I would say, the journey was worth the effort. She deserves this.

Maryse was surrounded by her daughter
Yasmine and her son Richard.                  
In one of Charles Aznavour song, one of my favorite singer, who sung “Il faut savoir laisser la table quand l’amour est desservi.” In other words..."you must know when to leave the table when love is served.”

Well, for our heroine of the day, our favorable Maryse Desrouleaux, the time has come to leave the table. The daily routine has ended. She has traveled thousands of miles ... the time has come for her to drop her suitcase, and to follow other passions and pursuits.

Maryse, for the longest moments of your existence, you spent it with your co-workers. It is the same for all of us. In a blink of an eye, the years inch by slowly... Life’s moments tames and captivates us, until we arrive at a point to say, that is enough.

Indeed, I’ve worked with Maryse Arty Desrouleaux in Haiti, in the Department of Energy Movements, also called (Dispatching). It is the center of control and distribution of Energy of the metropolitan area of ​​Port-au-Prince. There, I remember a very balanced, respectful, and competent woman who demonstrated her talents genuinely.

At the time, Maryse had just arrived from Chicago lending her services at first, as the only secretary of this department. Her presence was a thoughtful and profitable investment for those who had hired her. Mrs. Desrouleaux,  young, full of energy, represented for us a major asset.

She wore many hats and played her roles well. Some of which, she was our accountant and was in charge of Payroll for over 75 employees. Of the many hats she wore, she was also our data entry, and was considered as the executive secretary. In addition, Maryse was the only woman at first, demonstrated tenacity while also playing a primary role as a young mother.

Since, I often referred to her for advice. She had become for me, an extension of my family. In which, she had a nickname for me… she called me Gibou! I also knew one of her brothers , late Clement, with whom we became very close.

Maryse Desrouleaux in Haïti with her two children
Que de bon moments d’existence humaine passés ensemble et qui se sont enfouis sur les rives du passé… Que de compliments annotés à ton dossier pour ton professionnalisme et ton intelligence… Maryse à l’Ed'h, tu étais respectueuse et tu te faisais respecter par tout le monde. Mes collègues et moi étions très fiers de toi. 

Maryse !  You are tremendous!

Après avoir laissé Haïti, tu t’es retrouvée ici aux Etats-Unis au pays de l’oncle Sam où tu as su mener ta barque à bon port pendant 22 ans  au point que l’âge a atteint son paroxysme. Ma chère Maryse, Chapo ba ! tu as eu une journée de travail bien remplie, c’est l’heure de la retraite, nous n’avons que des bouquets de félicitations à t’offrir.

My dear Maryse, my hat goes down to you! You have had a busy work life, it is now time for your retreat, we leave a  bouquets of Congratulations ahead of you to say… your hard work does not go unnoticed.

In short, let us leave the past with the emotional gains and losses behind us. Let's celebrate the great Maryse Desrouleaux. She is the queen for this evening. Your children have a tender soul, knowing that their mother is an amazing woman. Your friends  also attest to this.

Now, we would like to wish you peace, love, happiness and a well deserved leisure. We thank you for your devotion to your craft. You have left positive mark in every life you've impacted. Thank you for everything you have done for your off springs, your parents and your friends. May your days among  us be long and fruitful. 

Thank you !

Herve Gilbert

Kendall Miami FL  
July 30, 2017
Herve Gilbert

Some snapshots of the surprise party dedicated to Maryse Desrouleaux


  1. Herve Gilbert Bravo 👏 Tous mes compliments! 👏 👏 👏 ! Maryse doit se sentir fière d'avoir eu ♥️ un co-worker de ta trempe ! C'était un beau discours! 💬 🗨

  2. Non seulement que le discours de Mr Gilbert était éloquent, mais il a su apporter des mots qui tombent bien pour la circonstance. Nou retire chapo nou tou
